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A Brief Reminder From John Marshall Bank – Protecting Yourself From Fraud

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As we’ve stated before, the best way to protect yourself from fraud is to stay cautious and remain vigilant. Whether its an email you’re suspicious of, a weird text, or even a website you normally visit that seems a bit off, you are your own first line of defense. 

Website spoofs are a particularly devious way that scammers trick people into giving away their personal information. By making a nearly identical version of a website, including a fake login page, all scammers have to do is wait for unsuspecting victims to not realize they’re in the wrong place and accidentally give up passwords, payment info, and more. There are a few dead giveaways that a website is a spoof, however, and we’re here to share them with you so you can protect yourself from falling victim:

The wide world of fraud can seem like a scary place but you’re much more safe than you may realize. John Marshall Bank is in your corner and helping you fight back against scammers with tools and tips to protect yourself from fraud. 

Remember: Please ensure that you are using our official website at before logging into online banking and conducting any online transactions.

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