Total Practice Financing Solution - up to 100% Purchase Financing

John Marshall Bank’s Total Practice Financing Solution Will Keep Your Medical Practice Healthy

When it comes to any health advice or medical procedure, we understand that doctors can’t really offer any sort of 100% guarantee deal. There’s too many variables to account for and guarantees like that are likely to wind your local doctor or veterinarian in some legal trouble. John Marshall Bank, however, is not a doctor and with our Total Practice Financing Solution, we offer 100% financing for the purchase of owner occupied real estate and equipment for all medical professionals looking to give their practice a healthy boost.

The good news doesn’t stop there, though. The Total Practice Financing Solution is the total package, including a working capital line of credit, and competitive terms for financing buy-in’s, buy-outs, equipment, software, and more. It can even help you refinance your debt, expand your practice, or even remodel your space (that wall to wall fish tank is looking real good, now, isn’t it?).

As a medical professional, you work hard to keep your patients healthy and thriving. As your bank, JMB will work hard to keep your business healthy and thriving, and the Total Practice Financing Solution is part of how we do that.  

Reach out to our experts for more information

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